Snaps We Can’t Help But Laugh At

Published on 08/25/2022

Better Parenting

Kids will have fears in life. They will have fears, dislikes, nightmares; the works. We can only hope they outgrow them and can help to avoid triggers in the meantime. Some parents try an alternative method, however. Some believe that throwing them in at the deep end can help them to combat their fears quicker. Just let the kids be themselves alright! Don’t make them ride if they don’t want to.

Better Parenting

Better Parenting


Skeletal Surprise

We actually respect this prank. One day, someone will set out to redo this bathroom and get a massive shock. We just hope that they leave a note or something to explain that this isn’t a real skeleton! Otherwise an unsuspecting renovator might have a real fright.

Skeletal Surprise

Skeletal Surprise