The Name Behind The Face Revealed
Jeff Colvin, a policeman, opened a Jennifer Jones email recently. The email talked about Klynn, who penned a piece for her online magazine. She related that there was this one young girl and that she had grown up close to the station where Colvin had previously worked. Colvin recognized the tale right away. He knew this Klynn mother, and he remembered how the little girl was allowed to grow up secure and sound. The fact that his narrative had a pleasant ending had Colvin grinning nonstop.

The Name Behind The Face Revealed
Colvin Was Ecstatic
He had never forgotten her, just as Klynn Scales had never forgotten about Jeff Colvin. As he said, “I had actually thought about her and wondered whatever happened with her.” Now he didn’t have to wonder anymore. “He knew the truth.” He was thrilled to learn the truth. The news that Klynn was still alive made him ecstatic. He was also very touched by the fact that she had looked for him after remembering him. She not only had a significant impact on his life when they first met, but he also still has positive memories of her. The final step is to meet up with her again.

Colvin Was Ecstatic