Motivational Speaker
After his brother died away, Doplson chose to become a motivational speaker partly because he wanted to help people in the same manner he had been helped. He has been a significant contributor to the Eregon 206 movement and has inspired many people from many backgrounds with his comments.

Motivational Speaker
Wise Words From Dopson
Dopson, who isn’t afraid to share his knowledge and love of helping people, shared on Facebook a few principles he lives by: “Discovery of your purpose and potential sets you free from other people’s prescription of what they think you should be”. His bond with Brooklyn is really moving and just demonstrates how being kind to someone can completely transform their life.

Wise Words From Dopson
Like she normally did at her home in Kansas City, Klynn once waved hello to her friendly neighborhood police officer. She had no idea that this one wave would ultimately save her life. Read the entire account here.