His Life Was Completely Changed When He Discovered A Gold Mine In His Property

Published on 10/15/2020

Something Hiding

He also suddenly heard voices! He can not conclude what they just said, but Christopher seemed almost courageous enough even to yell, “Who is there?” His voice was the only response he ended up getting. Boldness filled him, and it empowered him to see whether someone tried to hide there. He’s still not going to give up fighting and fully prepared to go inside the tunnel.

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Something Hiding


Old Ventilation System

His shoes were already covered with water and dirt because of all the steps he took. He saw a yellow ventilation system, and it looked like it did fall apart somehow. There were chains hanging low to the ground, and most were moulded and rusted. That is something that Christopher didn’t really expect to see. What else is he going to find inside?

Old Ventilation System

Old Ventilation System