9. Having a Sense Of Humor
Funny people have also been linked to generating greater creativity, having superior verbal skills, and being more sexually attractive.
Many studies have shown that having a good sense of humor is linked to high intelligence. Funny people (studies on stand-up comedians, for example) have been linked to generating more creativity, better verbal skills, and even being more sexually attractive to boot! A general understanding from this is that those who are good with the words they use, can also analyze people’s emotions better, and humor is a great way of connecting to others. Whenever you see someone possessing a great sense of humor, it is an indication they may have a high intelligence level.

Having a Sense Of Humor
A recent study of verbal intelligence, which involved 400 psychology students, was used to determine some answers researchers have been looking for. They were all given cartoon clippings from The New Yorker and then assessed by a group of independent graders. It turned out the students with the funniest responses had the highest intelligence level.
10. Constant Thinking Is A Trait Of Intelligent People
Intelligent people don’t always have their minds free and are always thinking about one thing or the other. As such, they fit in the occupied batch perfectly as their brain activities are always going. They always want the full details to continue to ask questions and keep their research ongoing in order to develop their thoughts and ideas.

Constant Curiosity Is A Trait Of Intelligent People
One business psychologist, Thomas-Prezumi, noted that curiosity leads to higher critical thinking levels and a lot of time invested in acquiring more knowledge. This knowledge generally centers around art and science. People who suffer from constant curiosity are always on a quest to get the right answers. This means research will never stop.