Here’s How The Ideal Figure Of Women Had Transformed In The Last 10 Decades

Published on 12/07/2020

Betty Grable Was The Pin-Up Girl Of The Decade

Most of us knew who Rosie the Riveter was. We could tell that Betty Grable was not a muscular woman model, but the lady had caught the people’s hearts. In the ’40s, many people looked up to Betty as a pin-up girl. Almost all of the men who were a soldier had a photo of her in their trunk.

Betty Grable Was The Pin Up Girl Of The Decade

Betty Grable Was The Pin Up Girl Of The Decade


The Hourglass Figure Of The ‘50s

In the ’40s, ladies thought that having a curve in their body would make them captivating. However, in the ’50s, they changed their perception, and the hourglass figure became the trend. Lean body and wide shoulders were now forgotten. In that year, the magazine had endorsed some weight gains to help women broaden their hips.

The Hourglass Figure Of The ‘50s

The Hourglass Figure Of The ‘50s