A Wild Creature
They made eye contact with the animal, who seemed equally shocked to see them there. Scott and his son did not plan to go up to the creature since they had no clue what on earth it was. Once the shock wore out, the animal looked more relaxed and went up to the sliding glass door. Neither David nor his partner Anna McArdle knew of any pet like that. However, it did not seem spooked by them either.

A Wild Creature
They Were All Curious
“He’d gone out with the baby, and I heard him shouting that there’s a wild animal, and he was a bit panicked by it,” said Anna. The weird animal had the same shape as a fox, but its fur was black and silver. They saw that it had relaxed enough to sit down beneath the picnic table leisurely. She knew that she had to do something about it, so she took to Facebook to ask for help!

They Were All Curious