Artists Illustrates How Disney Characters Look If They Were Real – The Results Are Amazing!

Published on 11/12/2021

Gaston From Beauty And The Beast – New 3D Painting

Because of his abnormally disproportionate body build, it is difficult to create a portrait of this fictional character. However, this artist is able to accomplish exactly that. Gaston is a real-life-looking character with broad shoulders and a lot of muscle on display. Gaston’s annoyingly arrogant sideways toothy, open-mouthed smirking grin is also perfectly captured by the artist. Gaston has raised eyebrows, well-groomed dark hair slicked back, and a taught-skinned face, as if he believes that no one is better than him. When you look at the photo that has been re-imagined, you almost believe that Gaston is standing right in front of you because the artist captured all of these pompous characteristics so well.

Gaston From Beauty And The Beast – New 3D Painting

Gaston From Beauty And The Beast – New 3D Painting


Evil Queen From Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs – Original Painting

This is the Evil Queen who was the catalyst for everything. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Disney’s very first animated film, featured her as the heinous villain, and she was depicted as such. Audience members were sent shivers up and down their spines as they were introduced to just how wicked Disney animators were able to portray a character. Indeed, she was so evil that she was never given a proper name. She is simply referred to as “The Evil Queen.” She is also known by several other names, including the Wicked Queen, the witch in disguise, and simply The Queen, to be honest with you. In any case, when she was paired next to the pure Snow White princess, she served as the audience’s first introduction to the concept of good versus evil.

Evil Queen From Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs – Original Painting

Evil Queen From Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs – Original Painting