What Was Hidden There
As the hole got bigger, his mind started to race with images of the sinkhole swallowing up his car. Even worse, what if the entire house sinks into this strange void? After working some more on the hole, he saw what looked like a man-made object below everything. This was when he realized that things were even more sinister than he thought. He grabbed his phone and asked for help.

What Was Hidden There
They Saw An Old Ladder
Gerald, his father, raced to the scene. Without any equipment or professional tools, they started to work on the hole. Carefully, they got rid of the cracked concrete surrounding the piece of metal and found a rectangular hole down there. They saw a rusty ladder that descended into the darkness! They made them feel very uneasy. What was a secret passageway like this doing beneath the driveway? They wondered where it went. In the end, they only had one way to get the answers to their questions.

They Saw An Old Ladder