Not The Norm
Many people dream of moving to America and living the “American Dream”. Who wouldn’t want a nice big house with a green yard for the kids to run around in? Wayne Martin had those things already, but he had his heart set on a project that would set him apart from the rest. He started digging. His friends and neighbors thought he lost his mind, but he had a plan in place. What he did with the hole he dug was impressive. And it wasn’t a swimming pool if that’s what you’re thinking.

Not The Norm
Buying A Container
After laying down a layer of gravel that would suffice, he added something else that had no place in a swimming pool. Immediately, his neighbors noticed that he had brought a full-sized shipping container onto his property. What could it have possibly been for? Before Martin even started digging the hole, he made the decision to buy a 20-foot shipping container. No on knew why.

Buying A Container