Asking the Experts
The couple was shocked when they saw the shelter was in great condition. “It’s in an amazing condition. There’s no door – just a bit of tin holding the dirt back. It makes you think how horrible it must have been to be in there,” Graham said. The couple thought that perhaps the shelter would be put to better use at a local school or given to someone who would actually use it. It was better than it just sitting in their garden.

Asking The Experts
A Shame
A London-based Anderson shelter expert by the name of Martin Stanley said, “Just from the photos it looks like it’s in its original position. It may well have been a builder who made it because it looks incredibly strong. I suspect someone put it a lot of effort.” There was one point where the British government had given out many Anderson shelters to civilians for free. Preserving the ones left was important seeing as there weren’t many of them.

A Shame