He Could Not Believe It Either
After a great deal of self-assessment and introspection, Jeremy could not believe that he let himself become this huge. He had no idea how much it had impacted their lives. Not only did he dislike what he saw in the mirror, but he could not understand how it had gotten to this point. Even though it took a few years to get there, it felt like he woke up obese one day. He considered himself lucky that he had a loving and supportive partner in Jasmine. Together, the two of them were about to go on a self-improvement journey!

He Could Not Believe It Either
Another Proof That She Had To Do Something
There was another moment that helped Jasmine reach her decision. It took place as she was going through photos of her friends during the festive season. She has a group of friends that got together every year. They never failed to take photos of all the fun stuff that transpired at that time of the year.

Another Proof That She Had To Do Something