They Wanted To Be The Best Parents Possible Even If It Meant Completely Changing Their Lifestyle

Published on 09/09/2020

Time To Close The Chapter

Jasmine made up her mind to get rid of the excess skin from her belly. In order to do this, she had to go under the knife in Hamilton. It only felt like the natural next step in her journey. She felt excitement, fear, and determination all at once. If she wanted to close this chapter in her life, she had to do this. Was there any reason for her to be scared of the operation?

Time To Close The Chapter

Time To Close The Chapter


The Operation Drew Closer

When Jasmine arrived at Hamilton International Airport, she only had 48 hours before her operation. AS you can imagine, there were a lot of thoughts running through her mind. The whole thing felt surreal to her. As she sat waiting in the doctor’s office, the whole thing started to feel too real to her.

The Operation Drew Closer

The Operation Drew Closer