We have all heard this story before: boy and girl meet, sweep each other off their feet, tie the knot, and start a family together. However, there are times when it is not as straightforward as that. Just take a look at the couple in this story. They realized that they first have to overcome a huge issue before they could live the life of their dreams. After some time together, Jasmine and Jeremy realized that it was time for them to drastically change their lifestyle for the future that they wanted.

They Wanted To Be The Best Parents Possible Even If It Meant Completely Changing Their Lifestyle
For The Longest Time
According to Jasmine, she had always been on the heavy side. As you can imagine, this did not help improve her self-esteem. She had suffered from crippling anxiety and hated looking at herself in the mirror. Even then, she knew that it was a problem. There was a possibility that it was going to get in the way of her dreams of meeting a man and starting her own family.

For The Longest Time