The Most Gorgeous Women Leonardo DiCaprio Has Dated

Published on 11/16/2022

Lorena Rae

When Lorena Rae showed in the picture of Leo’s love story, there was something within her that made her distinctly different. The 23-year-old German still qualifies to Leo’s qualification of being a model, but she is one of the few brunettes Leo has stepped out within the recent years. Their love story started sometime around in August 2017. Leonardo DiCaprio enjoys the company that Lorena Rae is giving him but as he was trying to woo Lorena, he was also hitting up with his ex, Toni Gurrn in the town.

Lorena Rae

Lorena Rae


Ela Kawalec

When things didn’t go well with the former ladies of Leonardo DiCaprio, he then set his focus on the Polish model named Ela Kawalec. It is observed that in the recent year, Leonardo DiCaprio’s strategy of winning new girlfriends is by taking them out for a spin around the streets of New York City, often by taking advantage of the thing called Citi Bike, which is the city’s bike share program. Just like other Leonardo DiCaprio’s girlfriends’ careers go, Ela Kalawec still managed to do numerous photoshoots of the beachsides.

Ela Kawalec

Ela Kawalec