The Most Gorgeous Women Leonardo DiCaprio Has Dated

Published on 11/16/2022


Looking back in 2015, it seemed like Leonardo DiCaprio and Rihanna were often found to be in the same party. Though these two were not seen going out in the public and didn’t confirm that there was something going on between the two of them, Leo was often seen to be photographed a step behind Rihanna with his hat pulled lower so that his face would not be seen. But then the press discovered the fact that Rihanna had been linked to one of Leo’s friends and not Leo himself.




Kelly Rohrbach

When these two, Kelly Rohrback and Leonardo DiCaprio, started their romance, it seems like they have the chemistry to become a couple that everyone can admire and a relationship that will last for a long period of time. They were seen laying it on thick through the streets of New York City and it came with no surprise for the people to know about the announcement of their inevitable break up. For Leonardo DiCaprio, his relationship with Kelly Rohrbach is just like the others, he treated them all with love.

Kelly Rohrbach

Kelly Rohrbach