These Tips Will Help You Get The Best Possible Deals At Costco

Published on 09/23/2020

Buy: Verka organic yogurt

Did you know that you can save some money by buying a 64-ounce tub of Vertka? This is a good way to increase your savings instead of buying the 16-ounce alternative. It has a pretty long shelf life. On top of that, it simply tastes amazing. This might even be the best yogurt option available at Costco.

Buy Verka Organic Yogurt

Buy Verka Organic Yogurt


Skip: Las Fortunitas tortilla chips

Just so you know, we do not recommend buying the Las Fortunitas chips when you are at Costco. First of all, it sounds impossible to finish the whole thing! Aside from that, Fooducate has also given this product a B-minus. The low rating was handed out thanks to the fact that it has hydrogenated oils.

Skip Las Fortunitas Tortilla Chips

Skip Las Fortunitas Tortilla Chips