These Tips Will Help You Get The Best Possible Deals At Costco

Published on 09/23/2020

Don’t Buy- Kirkland Almond Milk

There are so many amazing things that you can buy at Costco. We are sad to report that the Kirkland almond milk line is not one of those things. If you prefer to drink almond milk, the Almond Breeze one is better. You are going to find this one so much tastier than the inhouse alternative at the store.

Don’t Buy Kirkland Almond Milk

Don’t Buy- Kirkland Almond Milk


Buy- Tahini

Don’t you just love using tahini as a dipping sauce or salad dressing? This sesame delight is amazing, but it can be a bit expensive. You should buy it in bulk at Costco to save more money. However, you should not forget to pop the whole tube in the fridge as soon as you open it to avoid spoilage.

Buy Tahini

Buy- Tahini