These Tips Will Help You Get The Best Possible Deals At Costco

Published on 09/23/2020

Buy- Rotisserie Chicken

There is a good chance that you know all about the rotisserie chicken from Costco. We are starting to think that this is the best chicken across the nation. Can you believe that it is only worth $5? Since there is a lot of it, this is perfect if you need to feed the entire family. You can also freeze leftovers if need be.

Buy Rotisserie Chicken

Buy- Rotisserie Chicken


Don’t Buy- Toothpaste

For some reason, toothpaste always seems to be on sale at the local grocery store. Have you noticed this? There is nothing wrong with buying those huge tubes available at Costco. However, why would you bother when you can save so much on something that we use every single day in the first place?

Don’t Buy Toothpaste

Don’t Buy- Toothpaste