You Are Mistaken If You Believe These Companies Are Still American

Published on 10/05/2021

Many of the world’s most well-known enterprises had their start in the United States, from Starbucks to Apple. These companies were start-ups before they rose to prominence as industry titans. The commercial world, on the other hand, is never as simple as it appears. Even if a firm was created in the United States, it does not have to remain there indefinitely. Many of these companies are no longer American, as you may be astonished to learn. There are a lot of companies that are benefiting from foreign investment, such IBM, Ben & Jerry’s, and even Holiday Inn! Numerous companies would have gone out of business if they hadn’t intervened in time.

If You Thought These Companies Are Still American, You Are Wrong

You Are Mistaken If You Believe These Companies Are Still American


General Electric

General Electric was a relatively new company when it began operations in 1982. Despite this, it’s exploded in popularity since then. It’s now involved in a slew of other fields, including healthcare, aviation, venture capital, and even renewable energy. Because the products are stamped “Made in America,” this is one of those companies that makes you feel like you’re shopping at a local store. But the truth is that Haier, a Chinese conglomerate, has owned the company since 2016. To put it in perspective, GE costs $5.4 billion to buy out. The items are still created in the US, but the decisions are still made in China.

General Electric

General Electric