Here Was What Celine Dion Had To Say About Her Love Life

Published on 10/06/2019

Timbaland Loves Her Too

“Celine has such a beautiful, mesmerizing voice. She is so talented. I think we could create something that is a classic like she is already,” said DJ Timbaland, a talented man who is impressed by her as well.

Timbaland Loves Her Too

Timbaland Loves Her Too


Celine Changed Vegas

Gary Bongiovanni of Pollstar has said that Celine Dion changed Las Vegas for the better. This is the same thing Kurt Melien of Caesars Palace thinks. He said, “Celine was a pioneer without question … Twenty years ago, we couldn’t have got someone the stature of Britney Spears to appear in Vegas. Stars like her would never have considered it if Celine hadn’t paved the way. She changed the face of modern Vegas.”

Celine Changed Vegas

Celine Changed Vegas