Here Was What Celine Dion Had To Say About Her Love Life

Published on 10/06/2019

Rene Burst Into Tears

The audition had been a very emotional affair for them. As soon as Celine began to sing, Rene cried. She took this to mean that she pleased him with her performance. Rene signed her since he knew that she was going to make it big. However, he knew that she was just a young girl who needed to work hard to make this come true. He had a vision for her and wanted everything to be perfect.

Rene Burst Into Tears

Rene Burst Into Tears


High Stakes Gambler

Rene could tell that Celine was going to be a superstar. He went as far to mortgage his house to make sure that they had enough money for her first album. In the end, the risk paid off since the first single made it to the top spot of the Canadian charts. A known gambler, he put his skills to good use.

High Stakes Gambler

High Stakes Gambler