Elizabeth Taylor In 1956, During The Filming Of Giant.
Elizabeth Taylor had a remarkable life story. She began her playing career in the 1940s, but it took a long time before she received her big break in the 1950s with the film Giant, which she directed. Rather than seeing her films, the actress savored the memories she experienced while working on them. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a big. I don’t like to watch myself in old movies. I don’t even bother to look at the new version of myself. Jimmy and Rock were two of my favorite people. And I was the last person Jimmy spent time with before he passed away… That, however, was a private time.
Night Fishing in Hawaii, 1948
What a beautiful photograph! Consider how difficult it must have been to jump into a burning building in order to save yourself. This is made even more incredible when you know that he did it with a spear. Hawaiians are well-known for spearfishing, which has been a practice for centuries. Strong woods like koai’e, uhiuhi, o’a, and kauila are used in their construction. It is common for them to be 6-7 feet in length and to have a pointed end. The fisherman used lights, which were constructed from coconut leaves wrapped around sticks, to attract fish to their nets. They toasted nuts in order to make the candles last longer.