Find Out How Much Money The Bodyguards Of Your Favorite Celebrities Make

Published on 05/25/2021

Tom Hardy

In 2010, Tom Hardy made it big with his amazing performance in Inception. He has since taken on project after project. You are wrong if you thought that he would not need a bodyguard since he played Bane in the past. We find it fascinating that he often goes partying with “Big John,” his security personnel. You will not want to mess with a guy like him. They were once spotted going to a nightclub in London. The press snapped a photo of Big John with a folding knife and high-powered torch! Most of the time, the actor only deals with starstruck ladies. In case anything more serious happens, Big John is ready for it. Hardy has a net worth of $30 million and spends $20,000 a year on his protection.

Tom Hardy

Tom Hardy


Geri Halliwell

This Spice Girl looked tiny beside her bodyguard as they took a walk together. Geri Halliwell, better known as Ginger Spice, has employed a lot of bodyguards in the past. However, her new one has gotten a lot of attention on fan pages about “Hunky Bodyguards.” It looks like she is not afraid to set up her bodyguards! Rob Palmer of Triple M said that Geri once tried to set him up on a date with a bodyguard of hers in the past. Even though he refused the offer, it is clear that Ginger Spice is close with her bodyguards. Her annual protection bill goes up to $65,000. Right now, she is worth $40 million.

Geri Halliwell

Geri Halliwell