Find Out How Much Money The Bodyguards Of Your Favorite Celebrities Make

Published on 05/25/2021

Kristen Stewart

Everyone got to know Kristen Stewart when she starred in Twilight. You will hardly see her out and about without a security guard. She has a ton of fans, although she is said to be a very lowkey person. Her bodyguard does a great job of keeping her safe. Aside from that, he is known to be a hunk as well. Some of her fans even started a fan page for him! They call him “HBG.” In the past, he has also offered his services to actresses like Emilia Clarke, Nina Dobrev, and Melissa McCarthy. Stewart has said that he has been “a good sport” when it comes to the attention he gets for his looks. The actress pays $100,000 or so a year for her protection. This is not too bad as she is currently worth $70 million.

Kristen Stewart

Kristen Stewart


Justin Bieber

When you are as famous as Justin Bieber, you can’t afford to go anywhere on your own. The pop star has employed several bodyguards over the years. He always appears in headlines with him, but Bieber has toned down a bit ever since he tied the knot. At the moment, Michael Arana works as his head of security. Thanks to this, he has seen his fair share of fame as well. On Instagram, he has hundreds of thousands of followers. You might also see him on a Twitter account called “Bieber’s Bodyguards.” It looks like they get along better as well. This did not seem to be the case with Bieber and Moshe Benabou, his former bodyguard. With a net worth of $285 million, his yearly protection costs him a million bucks.

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber