He Also Found Silver Bars
Eric had already found a number of fascinating things, but he also saw silver bars inside. At first, he had no idea what they were. He only learned that they were special and rare because they had inscriptions of the dates of the foundation of Connecticut and two more American states. It was clear that these objects had undeniable historical significance and would fetch a good price. By this point, it looked like Eric was in for more amazing treasure every time that he felt around the safe with his hands…
A Coin In Pristine Condition
There were fragile objects in the safe that saw some damage over the decades. However, the sturdier items survived the test of time. This huge coin, for one, stayed in remarkably great condition despite everything that has happened. To be fair, it must have helped that it was hidden in a protective case. It still suffered a little weathering, but this was to be expected. But just how many things were Eric going to find inside the safe anyway?