Baby Boomers Think These Things Are Still Cool, But They Are Wrong

Published on 04/15/2021

Many Throw Pillows

If someone’s guests are drowning in throw pillows, you have plenty more. If you have pillow fights daily, though, a few can suffice for the majority of citizens. If the seating is more cushion than a sofa, you’ve gone so far.

Too Many Throw Pillows

Many Throw Pillows


Giving Retail Workers A Tough Time

I’m not going to pretend to be nice about this. It’s nonsense to yell at supermarket clerks when your coupon has expired, or you think it’s too expensive. Act responsibly. They are, after all, human beings. Being a jerk is a dumb way to achieve what you want from a tactical standpoint, even though you don’t give a damn for other people’s feelings.

Giving Retail Workers A Hard Time

Giving Retail Workers A Tough Timebaby boomer businesses for sale