Meet Otzi Man
Even if you haven’t heard of Otzi Man, you should know that he is one of the most renowned persons to have been discovered in the snow. He was discovered in the Italian Alps. This perfectly preserved skeleton dates back around 5,300 years and was discovered in the Alps, which are located between Austria and Italy. It is speculated that he is the genetic ancestor of a sizeable portion of the Austrians living in the region at this time. He had gallstones, gum disease, hardened arteries, parasitic worms, worn joints, and Lyme disease. However, he was suffering from all of these conditions. In addition to the condition of his health, he had a hole shot through his shoulder by an arrow, and he had suffered injuries to his head from a blow.

Meet Otzi Man
Woolly Creatures
As was noted earlier, researchers have frequently been successful in extracting various woolly creatures from the ice and other environments that are subjected to extremely cold weather conditions. The wooly rhinoceros is one more illustration of this. The recent discovery was so well preserved that the fur on its body was unaltered in areas where its potential enemies had not eaten it. It was assumed that this particular rhino had just turned 18 months old. After their remains were discovered in the Russian region of Sakha, it was determined that the last of these animals died off approximately 10,000 years ago.

Woolly Creatures