You’ll Never Guess What They Discovered When They Melt This Alpine Glacier

Published on 06/07/2022

Puppies In Ice

In their research, scientists occasionally find items that have personal significance to them. In this particular instance, they came across an Ice Age puppy. The fact that it was 12,460 years old but not particularly well maintained was the thing that surprised researchers the most. This discovery was significant since it recast our understanding of how ancient canine phylogeny developed. This discovery in the remote reaches of the Siberian tundra came as a total surprise.

Puppies In Ice

Puppies In Ice


Amazing Arrowhead

The discovery of weapons is another phenomenon that frequently takes place beneath the ice. Consider this arrowhead as an illustration. But the thing that struck me as oddest and most intriguing about this development was the fact that it was supposedly fashioned after the fishhooks that we use today. Do you not comprehend what it is that we are discussing? If this is true, then it indicates that they had the skills necessary to hunt in an effective manner back then. That is very awesome to hear.

Amazing Arrowhead

Amazing Arrowhead