7 Advantages Of Playing Tennis

Published on 06/02/2022

Have you been thinking of trying out a new sport? Here are 7 reasons why you should start playing tennis.

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7 Advantages Of Playing Tennis

Tennis For The Body

As a classic running sport, both endurance and short sprints are among the basic elements of tennis – not to mention coordination and technique. Around an hour of intensive training burns around 730 calories, boosts the metabolism and supports (through sweating) important detoxification processes. At the same time, the muscles on the buttocks, thighs, lower legs and the arm-shoulder area as well as the entire torso are strengthened. Anyone who plays tennis regularly can therefore look forward to melting love handles, a better metabolism and tight, athletic contours.

Tennis For Health

In addition to the obvious benefits for the figure, the classic sport also has health benefits. The Copenhagen City Heart Study, for example, shows that regular exercise in general and tennis in particular has a positive effect on life expectancy (and can extend it by around nine years on average). Since tennis takes place in the fresh air at least every six months, it also supports the oxygen supply to the cells. In addition, the training not only improves physical fitness, metabolism and blood lipid levels in the long term, but also reduces the body fat percentage over time. In addition, the risk of cardiovascular diseases and injuries is minimized. If you have joint problems, especially in the hips or knees, you should train moderately, pay attention to the quality of the equipment (especially well-cushioned shoes) and switch to another sport if tennis training should lead to discomfort or even pain.

Tennis Has Style

Even in terms of fashion, tennis has advantages. How casual do you think a short tennis skirt looks with summer legs and the snow-white chunky sneakers that are so popular at the moment? Whether tennis dresses, tennis shirts or polo shirts made of cotton knitwear – all timeless classics and currently (again) as popular as they were back then.

Balance to Everyday Stress

Tennis is a lifetime sport that you can play anytime, anywhere with just one partner. Whether young or old, tennis is for everyone. The sport challenges you both physically and mentally and thus creates the ideal balance to everyday stress.

Tennis Requires The Ability To Make Decisions And Take Action

In tennis there are (subconsciously) a lot of decisions to be made. Where do I play the ball? How fast, slow, high, flat, etc. do I best play the ball? With tennis you train your decision-making and action skills, which can help everyone in every respect.

Tennis Is Diverse

Tennis is a multifaceted sport. Especially the short sprints, the quick movements to the ball and the dynamics of the game in general demand the cardiovascular system and thus stimulate fat burning properly. In any case, you’ll cut a good figure with tennis.

Fast Success

Tennis creates an incredibly quick sense of achievement and is therefore a very motivating sport. Perfect for anyone who wants to turn this sport into a hobby.