In The Works
In July 2017, Milana was cast in the Marvel upcoming television series New Warriors – her role is the one and only superheroine Doreen Green aka Squirrel Girl.

In The Works
The premise of the show, cause we’re sure you interested is: “Six young people with powers living and working together want to make a difference in the world, even if their powers are not quite as impressive as those of The Avengers. They will have to learn to use their abilities to help people while also struggling with growing up.”
Freak Out
Now with Milana’s latest role as Squirrel Girl in the works to hit the big screen sometime in 2018 is enough to make anyone excited. Of course Milana is ecstatic, but maybe what no one saw coming was the enthusiasm from the public!

Freak Out
Little girls everywhere are dressing up like Squirrel Girl, and when Milana showed up to Comic Con, everybody and their mama lost it!