Chrissy Metz, Star Of ‘This Is Us’ And Her Amazing Change Since She Began Her Journey
Of course, if you’ve ever seen or even heard about NBC’s hit show, This Is Us, then you’re very familiar with this star actress, Chrissy Metz. Just in case you haven’t seen This Is Us, the show tells the story of triplets and the amazing and compassionate parents who raised them. It’s definitely an emotional, tear-jerking show, but worth watching! I mean, it’s won countless awards already and the second season wrapped up in March 2018. This Is Us first premiered in late 2016 and quickly became an award-winning success with consistent high ratings. I mean it doesn’t hurt that they have an all-star cast like Mandy Moore, Milo Ventimiglia, Sterling K. Brown, Justin Hartley and Alexandra Breckenridge. How could it not be a hit? Anyway, we’re here to talk about Chrissy Metz, who has just stepped into the spotlight. Her incredible performance as Kate in This Is Us has skyrocketed her fame. However, she has been very open about her personal life aligning closely with her character’s journey. As her character embarked on a weight loss journey, the star has continued to speak out about her body and weight loss struggles. The character Kate is not only going through an intense weight loss journey, but also must deal with a complex relationship with her own mother. In addition, she’s still coping with the death of her beloved father. Oh and Kate is an aspiring singer. Luckily, she has a very supportive and adorable boyfriend. Playing Kate has been an emotional and strenuous challenge for actress Chrissy Metz. At last, Chrissy Metz has landed a lead role, but her path to stardom has not been easy. Just like her character, Chrissy Metz has encountered lots of difficult challenges in her own life. From her personal weight loss struggles to being bulled, going through depression and working through financial debt, the road to fame for Chrissy Metz has been long and arduous. In fact, when she got the part in This Is Us, she had been couch surfing at friends’ places with just 82 cents left in her bank account. Even though Chrissy Metz is a huge star nowadays, she always remembers to stay humble and genuine.

Chrissy Metz
Now, she uses her platform to speak out about her personal journey and spread messages of body positivity, despite what size or shape. She wants others to know that body shaming is wrong and should never come between someone and their happiness or life goals. Many love seeing Chrissy Metz and her success in a competitive industry where females are told they must look a certain way. Now, it’s really refreshing to see a curvy woman being herself on the red carpet. Chrissy Metz is truly shattering all beauty standards in the industry and of course, inspiring women and girls all across the globe. She’s especially inspiring those who have also faced tough challenges with their weight loss goals, in order to feel confident and beautiful and chase their dreams. Now, it’s time to hear about Chrissy Metz’s incredible story from living off of ramen noodles, without any money to becoming a huge Hollywood sensation and award-winning actress.
Meet Chrissy
Since 2016, Chrissy Metz has been Kate Pearson on NBC’s hit family-drama, This Is Us. Since taking the role of Kate, Chrissy Metz has made a huge sensation. This Is Us follows her character Kate, a triplet, and her family.

Meet Chrissy
Personally, Kate faces a difficult weight loss journey, struggles to make it as a singer, deals with a complicated relationship with her mother and of course, guilt and grief around her father’s death. The character Kate and the actress playing her, Chrissy Metz, are hugely responsible for the show’s amazing success.
Television Actress
For her outstanding performance as Kate Pearson, Chrissy Metz has been nominated for numerous awards including an Emmy and two Golden Globes. Even though this role has been her big break, Metz was an actress long before this role.

Television Actress
Actually, she’s been working for several years, hoping to land a lead part. Before playing this emotionally-demanding and honestly, very vulnerable role, Chrissy Metz also had minor parts on shows like HBO’s Entourage, NBC’s My Name is Earl and even American Horror Story.
Similar Struggles
For Chrissy Metz, playing Kate on This Is Us has really hit close to home because of her own years of battling personal weight loss goals. Perhaps, that’s how Chrissy Metz is able to accomplish such an authentic, emotional and genuine performance on This Is Us.

Similar Struggles
Metz has been going through very similar challenges as her character endures. Ever since becoming a celebrity, Metz has been very open about her personal life and subsequent weight loss struggles.
Refreshing Change
Seeing someone so positive, free-spirited and genuine in the midst of an industry not exactly known for authenticity has been very refreshing for many. No matter what, Chrissy Metz is honest and sweet-natured and wiling to share personal experiences in interviews.

Refreshing Change
Throughout the years, Chrissy Metz has gone through a big transformation, from someone crippled by insecurity to a blossoming, confident woman and television star.
Tough Childhood
Just like Kate on This Is Us, Chrissy has been battling her weight since she was young. Chrissy Metz told The Hollywood Reporter, “I was born chubby, and as I got older, at different times in my life I was thinner or more active or playing sports, but I was definitely always a chubbier kid.

Tough Childhood
My friends could eat whatever they wanted to, but I knew that as a kid if I ate certain things I would totally gain weight. I had to be really cognizant of what I ate.”
Identifying With Her Character
While reflecting on all of the emotional pain her character endures and the complex relationship with mother, Rebecca (played by Mandy Moore), Metz felt something resonate. Metz said, “I remember going to Weight Watchers when I was like 11.

Identifying With Her Character
I was the youngest person in the room and it was awkward. My mom was trying to figure it out, but it’s a process. Kate wants her mom to be happy with her and Rebecca just wants her daughter to be happy.”
Facing Bullies
On This Is Us, mother Rebecca just wants Kate to be happy and live a great life and not face criticism or mean people. In real life, Chrissy remembers how kids bullied her at school and how difficult it was for her mother to handle that.

Facing Bullies
The star sees the parallels between her TV mom and real mother. She said, “No matter what, somebody is going to pick on you for something. It’s a complicated dynamic and it is heartbreaking.”
Choosing To Audition
Once Chrissy Metz graduated from high school in Gainesville, Florida, she decided to become a preschool teacher. While in her early 20’s, she happened to go with her sister to an audition. While there for her sister’s acting audition, she ran into a former teacher who encouraged her to also audition.

Choosing To Audition
Before that, Chrissy Metz never thought of herself becoming an actress and reflected on that moment, “In my heart, I was like, ‘Yes I would love to,’ but I was too afraid of my own shadow.”
Big Move
After going for it and auditioning, her life totally changed. Just months after, the future star got flown to LA and auditioned for numerous television pilots.

Big Move
Even though Chrissy Metz loved teaching, she found her niche with acting and wanted to pursue her dreams. She remembers telling her mom, “Mom, I’m going to live my dream.” Well, that’s the truth! The star moved to Los Angeles and began her journey.
Dealing With Rejection
However, Chrissy Metz has had to face her fair share of rejection like others trying to make it in Hollywood. Year after year, she attended countless auditions.

Dealing With Rejection
That’s when she took a different route in her career in the industry. Metz became an assistant to her talent agent. Of course, she felt grateful for this job, but overall, disappointed. Metz explained, “I was like, ‘This isn’t fair, I didn’t come here for that.’”
Despite this obstacle, Chrissy Metz did not throw in the towel. However, her employment at the talent agency did mean a lot less time devoted to auditioning.

In fact, she opened up to Harper’s Bazaar, saying, “Scheduling auditions for the talent was like watching your boyfriend take out another woman every single day.” Even though it got tough, she didn’t want to give up her dreams. Thus, she kept trying in spite of the challenges.
Suffering Panic Attacks
In those years just before getting the part on This Is Us, Chrissy Metz tried to approach her weight loss goals in a whole new way. Metz said that her manager at the time suggested she lose weight. However, she already lost 50 pounds before moving to California.

Suffering Panic Attacks
After falling to a depression, Metz saw herself gain another 100 pounds. It was then that she began to have panic attacks. Unfortunately, she even had to go to the hospital after one particularly frightening panic attack on her 30th birthday.
Fresh Start
Losing then gaining weight and suffering intense panic attacks, all of this made Chrissy Metz start to reevaluate her weight loss plans.

Fresh Start
Metz didn’t want to just wallow in her sorrows. Instead, she took a positive and healthy approach to losing the weight. In an interview she explained, “I was so gung-ho, I lost 100 pounds in less than five months. All I did was eat a 2,000-calorie diet and walk 20 minutes a day.”
Her Big Break
Once Chrissy Metz took off some weight, her panic attacks subsided and she began living a healthy lifestyle. There was so much more positivity in her life. At that point, she was able to get a recurring role on the fourth season of American Horror Story, playing Ima Barbara Wiggles.

Her Big Break
For the part, Metz needed to wear a special body suit to make her look bigger. Chrissy Metz explained how life-changing that was, “It was sobering… I thought, ‘What if I become that heavy and can’t walk around or get stuck in the doorframe?’”
Financial Problems
Once that amazing role ended after five episodes, Chrissy Metz almost felt like she was back in the same predicament. Her paycheck from American Horror Story began to run out, but she wasn’t working regularly and her bank account reflected that.

Financial Problems
Metz explained, “I kept auditioning, with no savings and no money, credit card debt gaining interest.” She even had to file for unemployment in order to just support herself and pay rent and bills.
Caring Friends
While Chrissy was struggling with finances, she lived on ramen noodles from the dollar store. Sadly, she couldn’t even afford groceries or even a place to live. Thankfully, she had a group of amazing friends who supported her and even gave her somewhere to stay.

Caring Friends
Metz said, “People who supported me were like, ‘If you don’t have money for food, I’ll cook you dinner. You don’t have money for acting class? Let’s get together and read lines.” Her incredible support system helped her through the rough times.
Game Changer
Everything changed with her audition for This Is Us. After landing the audition, Chrissy Metz started to feel it in her heart that this could be her dream role. Yet, it was not simple to secure the audition and Metz almost didn’t get it.

Game Changer
She remembered the intense process saying, “The script was incredible from the moment I started it; it felt different. I desperately wanted an audition and begged my agent for the opportunity to read for casting.”
Right Fit
From the start, Chrissy Metz fell in love with the role of Kate. As she said, “This was a role that finally broke down the real issues behind weight; inadequacy, codependent relationships, and living in the shadows.” Once given the audition, everything just fit for her.

Right Fit
Metz explained, “The callback – which I didn’t think was coming – was unlike any other I had ever experienced…Glenn Ficarra even asked me to grab my purse out of the lobby and walk into the scene through the door.”
Booking The Part
Once Chrissy Metz actually was offered the part, she was completely shocked. During this time, she had 81 cents to her name, so the role felt like a miracle. Ever since, she’s remained grateful for the life-changing opportunity.

Booking The Part
Once she got her very first paycheck from This Is Us, she paid back her friends and family who had let her borrow money. At last, she was also able to pay off her bills.
Staying Humble
Even though Chrissy was a lead in an NBC show with a big paycheck, she’s maintained her humility. In an interview with Glamour she said, “You may think, ‘Ooh, you’re on TV, you’re a millionaire!’ No. It’s definitely a lot more than I was making, but I still live with my roommate – though I pay my proper share of the rent now.”

Staying Humble
Even with a bit more money, this actress doesn’t just go wild on shopping sprees. In fact, she expressed she still feels “buyer’s remorse.” She also said, “I just got my first pair of Alexander McQueen shoes; I’m so convinced I shouldn’t have bought them.”
Contract Specifications
There’s been much debate about what’s in Chrissy Metz’ contract since her character is losing weight. Metz made it clear she will lose weight sensibly. She told PEOPLE, “It’s definitely a conversation that we’ve had, and it’s in my contract,” but also emphasized she will be shaping up “in a healthy manner.”

Contract Specifications
In addition she stated, she “started incorporating a better eating regimen and started to do things personally, but not something so drastic because it’s going to be a lifestyle change not just for Kate but for me…I have to be aware of not losing too much weight because of the show. I want to do it in the right way. It’s a gradual process.”
True Motivation
Chrissy made sure to clarify so that her fans realize why she’s doing this. Metz stated, “I just have to be very clear.

True Motivation
Whether or not I lose weight or stay the same, it’s purely a choice of mine for health. Not because I think that plus size, curvy, voluptuous, big bodies aren’t attractive – because I think they’re awesome.”
Sending A Positive Message
As a star on This Is Us, Chrissy Metz knows she’s a role model to many. Metz loves that This Is Us spreads an honest and important message for those struggling with weight.

Sending A Positive Message
Metz said, “The show is educating people in that people who are overweight don’t just sit in a corner eating themselves into oblivion. The food is the symptom, it’s not the issue. When you put the food down, the issue comes up. And that’s what we need to be talking about.”
Being part of such a remarkable show as This Is Us has been very uplifting for Chrissy. She thinks viewers love This Is Us so much because they relate to the issues on the show.

While on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, Chrissy said, “I think everyone has a shame about something, whether it’s a lack of a relationship with a child or maybe their weight or lack of communication within their marriage…everyone can relate to that.”
Inspiration To Millions
With her role as Kate, Chrissy Metz has inspired millions of viewers all over the globe. She even said, “I’ve had women – average women, older women, teenagers – who say to me, ‘Your role and this show has changed my life.’

Inspiration To Millions
That makes all the struggle, all the ramen noodles, all the times when I couldn’t pay my bills, all the times where I was like, ‘I can’t do this,’ worth it.”
Negative Feedback
Sadly, Chrissy Metz has had to face some harsh criticism, as other celebrities in the spotlight do. When she attended the 2017 MTV Movie and TV Awards, the internet was full of mean comments about her gorgeous red latex dress.

Negative Feedback
Yet, Chrissy Metz responded to her haters with a bold tweet saying, “For the record, I wear what I want, when I want. News flash it’s MY body. #thankstho.”
Dreams Of Singing
It’s not just weight loss struggles that Kate and Chrissy have in common. Actually, Chrissy Metz also loves singing and has been singing since she was a child. Like Kate, she also dreamt of pursuing a career in music. Metz said, “Like Kate, I never really was encouraged to sing, but always wanted to.

Dreams Of Singing
It’s like my dreams are really coming true.” Also Metz responded to the possibility of singing a duet on the show with costar Mandy Moore, saying, “To potentially sing with my TV mom would be incredible!”
Music Future
If you’re a fan of This Is Us, then you know that a major storyline has been Kate pursuing music. Chrissy loves that her and her character share a passion for music.

Music Future
She looks forward to where the show takes Chrissy in her music career. Metz said, “I think Kate’s got a little soul in her. She likes some throwback, Motown stuff…I know for me, I love every genre of music. I’m excited to see where they’re going to go with it.”
Overcoming Guilt
Initially, when Chrissy couldn’t reach certain weight loss goals, she would feel awful about herself and really guilty.

Overcoming Guilt
Now, things are different. Metz spoke about this, saying, “We have to celebrate the victories but not hold onto the shame that we have of not doing something quickly enough or the right way…We’re all works in progress and not everything is going to be perfect all the time.”
Chrissy Metz is a strong advocate and believe of fate. Although she’s endured plenty of rocky roads along the way, she’s very grateful for where she is now and has no regrets.

Metz thinks everything happens for a reason and said she, “wouldn’t have this amazing role if I’d already lost all the weight. So I have to believe that everything happens for a reason, and I do feel that way in life.”
Following Her Character’s Journey
When examining her character, Chrissy sees how both her and Kate are living parallel lives. Metz explained, “The trajectory is that Kate will be losing weight just as I will in real life to reflect the character in her arc and her journey.

Following Her Character’s Journey
That’s exciting for me, especially because losing weight is something I’ve struggled with and contemplated. I have lost weight and I’ve gained weight back.”
Bigger Picture
Keeping an open mind, Chrissy Metz feels ready to delve into some of the deeper issues on the show.

Bigger Picture
She said, “I have friends and I know that when you do lose weight, you’re happy and it’s exciting but there are other things going on. There are other things that make us want to eat or overspend or fill a void with something. And so as Kate loses the weight and puts the food down, a lot of other things start to come up, which happens in real life.”
Feeling Frustrated
A big plot point in season one was how Kate’s boyfriend shed the weight a lot faster than her. Despite Kate working out daily and limiting calories, her boyfriend lost the weight really quickly.

Feeling Frustrated
Chrissy empathizes with Kate and expressed how this is something many who are battling weight loss can understand. In her own personal life Chrissy has seen friends and family lose weight faster and easier than herself. She emphasizes and said, “You get frustrated.”
Changing Her Approach
Throughout her life, Chrissy admits that she’s thrown in the towel on diets numerous times after being frustrated she wasn’t losing weight fast enough. Since those days, she has come a long way and says one can’t be so hard on his or herself.

Changing Her Approach
Metz said, “Not that it’s a positive way to counteract the lack of weight loss by binging or having a little snack, but at some point you just can’t beat yourself up because it’s counterproductive.”
Real Life Relationship
Although fans cannot get enough of Chrissy’s character with Toby (Chris Sullivan), Metz was seeing a different guy she met on set. After meeting This Is Us cameraman, Josh Stancil, the two began dating. While they were dating, it was clear that Josh Stancil seemed to be just as loving as the on-screen boyfriend. Once Chrissy made a note he wrote public.

Real Life Relationship
Josh Stancil left the following note in her purse at the Golden Globes, Chrissy shared, “It was sweet. It said, ‘You are already a winner no matter what and I love you.'”
Being On Set Together
Even though the two have since split (we’ll get to that), Chrissy spoke about working together. While they had more time together on set, it became complicated when Josh needed to film Chrissy kissing someone else.

Being On Set Together
Chrissy Metz said, “Initially, I was like, ‘This is gonna be weird,’ but he was fine with it. And then there was a really big kissing scene Chris and I did, and he was like, ‘I didn’t like that.”
Kate Times Three
Besides making audiences sob weekly, This Is Us is also amazing at casting. I mean seriously, it’s spot-on from looks to actions.

Kate Times Three
Take for example, the two young Kates played by Mackenzie Hancsicsak (plays the 10 year old) and Hannah Zeile (plays the 15 year old). Both young ladies give outstanding performances. Actually, Chrissy used to be Hannah Zeile’s commercial agent, so they knew each other before the show! How cool is that?
Like A Family
Obviously, the entire This Is Us cast is enormously talented. They did win a Screen Actors Guild for Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble.

Like A Family
Again and again, fans see how close everyone is and how much they all act like a big family. On their social media accounts, the stars are always lifting each other up and celebrating each other’s accomplishments. Oh and no big deal, but sometimes, they coordinate outfits for award shows.
Brothers On And Off Camera
Again, it’s not just an amazing on-screen chemistry between the stars. In fact, Chrissy Metz is actually very close with both Justin Hartley and Sterling K. Brown, who play Kevin and Randall on the show.

Brothers On And Off Camera
Actually, she refers to them as brothers, not just on-screen but in real life too. A recent Instagram picture with the three of them was captioned by Chrissy, “They might be my on-screen brothers, but we’re family. Thank you for the advice, love, support, and laughter you two bring in my life!”
Her Autobiography
If you thought Chrissy has touched millions already, just wait until people read her new memoir, This Is Me: Loving the Person You Are Today. In her memoir, she gets deeply personal about some of her most intimate and painful moments in life.

Her Autobiography
The part autobiography, part guide, details very traumatic experiences, such as her father’s abandonment and even her mother’s next remarriage. Of course, Metz also writes about body image struggles and her self-discovery journey in the book too.
Finding Forgiveness
Out of everything in her memoir, Chrissy said writing about her father was the toughest. When she was just nine, he left her and her mother. Recently, her father came forward to tabloids to say that Chrissy had abandoned him. To this Chrissy responded, “How does a child abandon their parent?”

Finding Forgiveness
Despite this, she’s spent years trying to forgive him and maintain a relationship. She added, “But I also have a lot of love for him because, of course, he is my father.”
Social Media Queen
As she rose to fame, Chrissy Metz has also became a queen on social media. Often, she shares pictures with cast members from the show and even motivational quotes.

Social Media Queen
As of April 2018, she had over 900k followers! In addition, she uses her Instagram to post congratulatory posts for costars. She used her page to congratulate Justin Hartley on his marriage and Sterling K. Brown on his Emmy.
Numerous Nominations
Over the two years of her time as Kate on This Is Us, the actress has continually received praise and critical acclaim for her performances. Oh and no big deal but she got nominated six times for her role as Kate, including both an Emmy and two Golden Globe nominations.

Numerous Nominations
Back in 2017, she walked on the red carpet at the Emmys for the first time and shared, “I’m just really excited to be a part of it all so I don’t know when it will set in, maybe never.”
Reaching Fame
Even with all the nominations and celebrations, she still hasn’t quite adjusted to the fame. Chrissy Metz said, “When you’ve been struggling to do what you’ve wanted to do for so long and then you see yourself 10 feet tall on a building that you passed by after an audition when you were crying on your way home because you probably didn’t book the job, it’s really, really cool.

Reaching Fame
I didn’t think I could hack it after 12 years…then voila, the universe is like just kidding.”
Eternally Grateful
Again, even though the show wrapped up its second season, all of the excitement still hasn’t faded. In addition, she tries not to let the fame affect her mentality and remains humble. During an interview she expressed, “Sometimes I cry on the way to the set still.

Eternally Grateful
There is something that happens when you are grateful: You continue to keep receiving blessings. So I will always be grateful.”
Bucket List
Getting the role of Kate is exactly what Chrissy Metz always dreamed of. She explained to the Television Critics Association Press Tour, saying, “I have been in Los Angeles for a long time and I have wanted to be a series lead for a long time.

Bucket List
It’s literally on my bucket list. But opportunities for plus-size women are very few and far between.”
Opening Up About Her Personal Life
While on Wendy Williams’ show on March 30, 2018, she confirmed that her and Josh Stancil were no longer dating.

Opening Up About Her Personal Life
When asked if they were still together, she responded, “I’m dating myself currently.” She told Williams that Stancil already moved to a different show before they separated, but the two stayed friends.
AHS Role
As we mentioned, Chrissy played Ima Wiggles on American Horror Story: Freak Show. She explained to Yahoo! that she loved American Horror Story and creator Ryan Murphy so much, she was willing to do anything to get the role.

AHS Role
Metz said, “I had one night to prepare. I stayed up until 4 a.m. practicing with [dialogue] that had almost nothing pertaining to the actual character or episode. They sent four tapes to Ryan, and I was the very, very lucky girl he chose…I was jumping around my house when I heard. I have to pinch myself to believe this is really my life.”
Hoping To Give Back
Playing Kate on This Is Us totally changed her life. She was able to pay back friends and family and even pay off her credit cards. In the future, she wants to give back even more. Metz said, “I hope I can be successful enough to provide for those who supported me when I thought, ‘I can’t do this anymore,’ This may sound silly, but what I really wanted was my grandmother to have a washer and dryer in her apartment before she passed away. I never got to give it to her.

Hoping To Give Back
It’s heartbreaking. When you’ve been down on your luck, you can really see that [need] in other people. Now that I’m living more comfortably, how do I share with others? That’s what I’m trying to figure out.”
Grew Up Overseas
Even though Chrissy Metz was born in a Miami suburb in Florida, she spent 8 years in Japan.

Grew Up Overseas
At six months old, Chrissy, her parents and two older siblings movied to Japan because her father was stationed in the Navy there. Metz recalled, she was “a little spoiled with really great toys.”
Getting Help
During that time when she fell into a depression, she was able to recover thanks to a therapist and the path of spirituality and self-help she went down.

Getting Help
Metz read some books by Deepak Chopra and others. After five months, she shed 100 pounds, telling Marie Claire, “When you do put the food down and those feelings come up, you’re not being numbed anymore. You’re like, ‘I got to deal with this.’ That is hard.”
Her Mother Pushed Her To Keep Going
After landing the role on American Horror Story, Metz was sure her career would take off. However, not much happened after her role finished. Chrissy Metz almost went back to Florida. Then her mom told her, “You can either be miserable here and not pursue your dreams, or you can be miserable in L.A. and at least pursue what you want.” Thus, she decided to stay and told Glamour, “I kept auditioning, with no savings and no money, credit card debt gaining interest. I went on unemployment.

Her Mother Pushed Her To Keep Going
I bought ramen noodles at dollar stores. I never had to — God forbid — live on the streets. When I booked This Is Us, I had 81 cents in my bank account. I could cry right now just thinking about it.”
Lived In Trailer With Mother
After spending time abroad since her dad got stationed all over, they returned to America. However, Chrissy’s parents separated.

Lived In Trailer With Mother
Thus, when she was only 10, Chrissy, her siblings and mother moved into a trailer. Then, once her mother met a man named Crayton, who soon became Chrissy’s stepfather. The family moved into his home.
Musical Ventures
Just like her character on This Is Us, Chrissy Metz also loves to sing. Actually, Metz has a her own band! Her band is called Chrissy and the Vapors.

Musical Ventures
She classifies their music as Alternative Rock, Blues and Hip Hop. Sounds cool! While she was busy filming the show, her band wasn’t able to tour.
Own Worst Enemy
Sadly, many criticize Chrissy Metz for her body and shame her. Unfortunately, she’s been bullied in the past before.

Own Worst Enemy
Chrissy’s stepsister, Rebecca, told The Daily Mail that growing up, kids picked on Chrissy, but added, “But I think she was her biggest critic. How she saw herself was always the worst.”
Cancelled Broadway Debut
Many began celebrating early when it was announced that Chrissy Metz was making a Broadway debut in Neil LaBute’s Fat Pig.

Cancelled Broadway Debut
Sadly, the play, which was supposed to come out in the spring of 2018, was cancelled. Metz announced she left the production in January 2018. A month later The Geffen Playhouse said the play was let go and no longer on the schedule.
Former Marriage
During her performance as Kate on the first season of This Is Us, we see her fall in love with Toby.

Former Marriage
Fans fell in love with the on-screen couple! Well, in real life Chrissy was married for seven years to a British journalist named Martyn Eaden. The two wed in 2008, but divorced in 2015.
Chrissy Metz spoke with Elite Daily at the 2018 Golden Globes. They asked what the hardest scene to film was and she said, “Oh goodness, I think one of the hardest was when Kate and Toby broke up in the first season, because it was really about her drawing her boundaries and it wasn’t because she didn’t love him.

It was that she needed to love herself more. And that’s really such a beautiful message that the writers bring to the audience in a very subtle way… I’ve had so many people come out and say, ‘My gosh you helped me stand up for myself.’ And it wasn’t because she [Kate] had to, but because she needed to for herself so that was probably the hardest one.”
Cried At Lunch With Oprah
In Chrissy’s new book, she gets into some pretty cool stories. Fans loved hearing about her lunch with Oprah. Oprah asked about her about the show and even told Chrissy about her own early days starting out. Then, Chrissy began talking about her body issues. Metz said, “I am working through a lot. There is so much of my lift that I just blocked out because it was too painful or too confusing. I realize now that it is all still there, still so close to the surface.”

Cried At Lunch With Oprah
Then she teared up but, “A raspberry-and-rosewater sorbet was served, and I hoped it would serve as a distraction while I pulled myself together. But there was Oprah watching as I raised my eyes to the ceiling and waved at my face to stop Mascara Falls. ‘Girl,’ Oprah said, ‘use your napkin.'” What a story!
Coming To Terms With Stepfather
Chrissy writes about the complicated relationship with her stepfather, Trigger, in her book. She explains that her body seemed to offend him and she added, “He never punched my face. Just my body, the thing that offended him so much. He shoved me, slapped me, punched my arm. He would hit me if he thought I looked at him wrong.” However, he wrote her a letter when she moved to Los Angeles.

Coming To Terms With Stepfather
Metz revealed it said, “’I just want you to know,’ he wrote, ‘that you do things I never thought I would see you do. You are so much more courageous than I’ve been in my whole life.’ He talked about being hard on me, and he said he was sorry. And he said he loved me.” Now, she came to terms with her past and can respect him and accept his apology.
High School Days
Back during high school, Chrissy Metz wasn’t too unfamiliar than the positive, fun and loving person she is now!

High School Days
Actually, her class named her as “Class Clown” for superlatives. Besides being named the joker during senior year, she was also known as being active in the school’s choir.
Not About Numbers
A lot of negative attention in Hollywood centers around looks and weight. Everyone is always talking about how much you can shed with new and improved weight loss plans. However, Chrissy Metz does not let all the obsession with weight get to her.

Not About Numbers
In 2017, she spoke with Marie Claire and said she doesn’t know how much she even weighs, adding, “I don’t worry about numbers. It just messes with my mind.”
New Book
As we mentioned, Chrissy Metz wrote a very personal and emotional book titled, This Is Me: Loving The Person You Are Today. Well, it’s quite obvious that Metz is an instant sensation, even her book has become a #1 New York Times Bestseller!

New Book
From instructional to autobiographical, Chrissy gets deeply personal with her readers and people feel her book is just as authentic as the portrayal of her character on the show. While promoting the book, she revealed some things that fans never knew about her…
Talent Agent Days
During her appearance on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, Metz got into the details of her work as a talent agent. She revealed that she once represented actress Dove Cameron and singer Ariana Grande very early on in their careers.

Talent Agent Days
Chrissy had moved from Florida to LA and worked as a talent agent for around nine years! She spoke of her first thoughts when meeting Grande all those years ago.
Spotting Talent
At the time, Chrissy desperately needed a job, became an assistant to an agent and that’s how she ended up in their youth department. Then she said, “I became an agent myself, represented Ariana Grande and Dove Cameron…Yeah, I was on the team that represented both of those incredible ladies.

Spotting Talent
It’s so fun. Also, like, you know they’re going to be stars when you meet them for the first time.” Metz added that even before Ariana Grande got her breakout role on Nickelodeon’s Victorious, she saw that Grande was destined for stardom.
That Fateful Audition
During her appearance on The Tonight Show she spoke about that fateful audition for This Is Us. Actually, she only had 81 cents in her bank account. Oh and she had just enough gas in her car to get there. Once she auditioned, it came down to her and one other (thinner) actress.

That Fateful Audition
However, Dan Fogelman, creator and executive producer, has a sister who has struggled with weight loss. Thus, he felt Chrissy was the best choice for the role.
Harper’s Bazaar
Things have really changed for Chrissy Metz since she became a huge sensation. One thing that shocked her was the fact that someone wanted to do a sexy shoot of her.

Harper’s Bazaar
Even though she admitted to having the confidence herself, she said, initially, “I was like, ‘Who, me?’” She added that Harper’s Bazaar featuring her felt “incredible” and like “validation.”
Pin-Up Shoot
In her pin-up style shoot, she wears a swimsuit, corset and polka dot dress and fans went wild!

Pin-Up Shoot
Metz said, “If I ever end up on the worst-dressed list, it’s not going to make me fall apart. I want to look great and feel good and be comfortable, but at the same time none of this really matters. This is the fun stuff.”
Same Age As Kate
Of course, fans know that the triplets turning 36 was part of the show’s plot. However, you probably didn’t realize that Chrissy Metz was also 36 years old! We all know casting someone the same age as their character is not often done.

Same Age As Kate
In fact, Hollywood is known for extreme age casting where twenty year olds or thirty year olds play teenagers. Chrissy spoke about knowing herself and where she is headed in life ever since her 36th birthday. Thus, she feels like she can completely understand what Kate, Randall and Kevin are all going through. However, not all of her characters or shows have been relatable…
The Horror In American Horror Story
For Metz, it’s been easy to relate to and watch This Is Us. However, she had much more trouble while working on American Horror Story. Actually, she was scared while watching the show.

The Horror In American Horror Story
She even admitted that while filming American Horror Story, it became difficult for her to stay in a hotel room! I mean, if you’ve seen the show, you could definitely understand why!
Fans Aren’t The Only Ones Crying
Listen, the fans are not the only ones sobbing while watching This Is Us. Yeah, even the stars get choked up! In fact, Chrissy Metz admitted that she cries a lot when watching.

Fans Aren’t The Only Ones Crying
Also, she said when she saw her costar, Mandy Moore in makeup that made her look older (so yes the end of episode two), she bawled. Metz found it hard to cope with her emotions.
Lipstick Junkie
Yeah even in her Twitter bio the star refers to herself as a “lipstick enthusiast.” We love how down to Earth she is and lots of her fans can totally relate.

Lipstick Junkie
Chrissy Metz does not let any haters get her down and loves to dress herself up with some lipstick, especially a nice red shade! So, when exactly did this star first find herself on people’s screens?
Entourage Role
Well it all goes back to her 2005 role in HBO’s Entourage!

Entourage Role
Yes, that was her first time on a show as the “Counter Girl.” Although it was small, she truly proved herself. Remember, Entourage was an extremely popular show, so getting any sort of role on it was a huge step.
Upcoming Work
Early 2018, a big announcement was made involving Chrissy Metz’s career. Metz is set to star in DeVon Franklin’s film, The Impossible! Obviously, her incredible work on This Is Us has not gone unnoticed in Hollywood.

Upcoming Work
She will be playing the mother of a 14 year old boy that fell through an icy lake and pronounced dead. Her character is named Joyce Smith, but it’s not just a film. Actually, the movie is based on a book written by Smith, telling the real story of this event. It’s a faith-based film.
Full Support
Hearing about her weight loss journey has inspired millions of people. Perhaps, the most touching part of it all is how supportive Dan Fogelman has been.

Full Support
The show’s creator knows his star will lose the weight, but allows her to do it at her own pace. Hey, not a bad deal for Metz considering all the money, award nominations and fans she enjoys!
Steel Magnolias
Sure, we all know about Steel Magnolias, the 1989 movie with Dolly Parton, Julia Roberts and the amazing Sally Fields.

Steel Magnolias
However, did you know that Chrissy Metz absolutely loves this film? She even posted a picture of the cast on her Instagram for ‘Women Crush Wednesday.’ Maybe since she’s such a rising star, she may get to meet her idols in the near future!